Hello Bitlander Community....my second blog on second day

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Workplace health and safety procedures are necessary for the well-being of both employers and employees. Violence in the workplace is an ever growing concern in today’s business community. According to the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), “homicide is the fourth leading cause of fatal occupational injury in the United States.” Diseases and other health concerns also affect a worker's ability to effectively perform his job duties. It is important for employers to take the necessary steps to protect employees from the health and safety concerns of today’s corporate community.

  • Health and Safety Hazards

Hazards are considered to be potentially dangerous substances or behaviors that can cause harm or injury to an employee. There are several hazards employees can be exposed to in the workplace. Health hazards can range from infectious diseases spread from one worker to another to poisonous chemicals that are not properly stored and maintained. For example, some industries are exposed to dangerous gases such as carbon monoxide. These industries must follow specific safety procedures in the event of an emergency situation involving the substance.

  • Health and Safety Enforcement

The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration is responsible for enforcing laws regarding safety in the workplace. OSHA is charged with ensuring employers provide a healthy and safe work environment for their employers by establishing guidelines and safety standards. They investigate complaints regarding safety violations and ensure that any hazards or dangerous work environments are corrected.

  • Health Guidelines

The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration has created guidelines to help employers and office workers understand how certain hazards can negatively impact the workplace as well as how emergency situations should be handled. These guidelines assist companies that conduct potentially dangerous job duties or work with dangerous chemicals with following the proper workplace procedures to prevent illness or injury.

  • Health and Safety Programs

Health and safety programs are an important part of preventing injury and illness in the workplace. Health programs help employers and employees understand the potential hazards they are exposed to on a daily basis. Effective health and safety programs educate workers on the benefits of practicing proper workplace behaviors. For example, the “Safety Pays” program helps employers determine the cost workplace injuries and illness have on a company’s profit margin. When companies understand the impact injuries have on their bottom line, they are more inclined to implement programs to keep their workers healthy and safe.

  • Employee Awareness

Workplace health and safety practices are important because they help prevent inter-office violence and raise employee awareness of the potential dangers they face. Violent acts and behaviors of employees and other individuals within the workplace are cause for concern because they threaten a company’s overall well-being. Companies must take an active approach in educating workers on the importance of practicing safe habits in order to maintain a healthy and safe working environment.

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