Hercules plane belonging to the TNI Fall In Medan Jalan Jamin Ginting

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Hercules plane belonging to TNI fall in Jalan Jamin Ginting Medan, North Sumatra, on Tuesday (30/06/2015). According to a spokesman for Basarnas Medan, crash A plane with flight number 1310, killing at least 30 people.

"Based on the latest information that we can about 30 people died. The number could increase, "said Hisar told Reuters news agency, Tuesday, June 30, 2015.

But the incident is still unknown whether the amount of the victim on the ground or victims who were in the plane. Hercules made in 1964 was from Squadron 32 Lanud Abdul Rachman Saleh Malang carrying 12 crew were on their way from Suwondo towards Tanjung Pinang.

The plane started to take off from a military base Suwondo, Medan at 11:48 pm. The plane had tried to establish contact with the operator in the field and ask for Return to Base (RTB) or back to the starting location, however, the communication is disconnected. The aircraft then turned right and crashed in the residential area.

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