Hijjama procedure:

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Hijama is a Arabic word ( means sucking). It is unique technique in which blood is drawn from the small skin incision by vaccum for treatment purposes.   

Islamic view:

It is reported that prophet Muhammad said that indeed the best of remedies you have is hijjama and if there was something excellent to be used as a remedy then it is hijjama.

Sites of hijjama:

Hijjama can be performed almost anywhere on the body but most often on the ache or panic part in order to ease and ellivate it. Hijjama are mostly done on optimal six points on the body.

Hijjama apparatus:

Cups which may be in glass, metal, or plastic.Vaccum machine.


Firstly shave and clean the skin which is choosen for hijjama, then tight seal on it with cups. By using vaccum tight seal is created. The cup is left to cling with the skin for few mintues, then it is lifted off and  several small incision are made in the skin. Then cup is put back as it was before until the flow of blood subsides. The un purify or clotted blood drawn from the skin to cup.Hijjama is considered a form of energy medicine some practitioner believes that it also cure black magic and possession



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