Horoscope of the Day: Libra to Pisces

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Have you been thinking about relocating, Libra? The siren song of distant states or exotic lands may play constantly in your ears. Foreign cultures could inspire you artistically, spiritually, and personally. This is actually a time when few things are out of your reach. If you're serious about this, look into it. You can decide once you have all the facts

Expect something new to take place regarding your home today, Scorpio. Someone could come for a visit or even move in. You could be redecorating, landscaping, or buying new furniture. There is always the possibility that you're moving. Whatever the changes, they're likely to be positive despite the messy and disruptive process of making them. You've got a lot to look forward to

Some wonderful news could come to you, Sagittarius, possibly from a sibling or neighbor. It might involve money or a new opportunity that's opening up nearby. A group event concerning a subject you're very interested in could also take place. You might feel you have a lot of phone calls to make and plans to think about. The future looks bright. Enjoy!

An opportunity to bring in extra income might arrive today, Capricorn, possibly through a female friend. Another Capricorn might be involved. This probably involves a special, temporary project, but it could prove enjoyable and profitable. A love partner might want to participate, too. Think about it before committing. Talk to people who have done this before. It's worth a try, anyway.

This is a day of fresh beginnings for you, Aquarius. Accomplishments in the past foster a new sense of self-confidence, along with optimism and enthusiasm for the future. Travel lies ahead, and possibly advancing your education in some way. Romance also looks promising. Go for a facial or massage today, or buy some new clothes. Start the new cycle by making your appearance match what you feel inside.

If you've never tried your hand at the arts, Pisces, this is the day to do it. Your imagination and ingenuity are flying high, and your aesthetic sense is acute right now. If you aren't already involved with such activities, look online or in the paper and see what classes or workshops are offered in your area. Get a friend to go with you. You'll probably have a great time!


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