How to Seduce your Girlfriend with Oral Sex

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So guys!!!
Here I am to discuss How to satisfy your girl in Sex...
Don't know where from we can start...
But now I start from the Oral Sex....

Oral Sex: is the first step in Sex/Romance through Oral Sex you can on her. In this regard the couple kissing each other roughly or gently (depend on their nature or habit). But if you go through the gentle way it leaves deep impact on your companion. Usually oral sex not just the kissing, during the oral sex you can grab and rubbing your body to her, slapping her butt gently not intensely and touching her boobs with your hands or different body parts and kissing on her neck, ears and where you want may be on her belly or butts, thighs, legs. In oral sex your tongue can play the main role to seduce her and give the comfort level which she wants.

Remember that just use your tongue slightly and gently, because many of women take time to reach in their comfort zone, but once you done it; your girl going to enjoy and be happy with you. During this period just put your attention to her body if she going to be ready she responds you better; at this point you may ask her...

She told you how she want to be kissed ...roughly or gently then increase your kissing and other activities if she's keen of speedy sex, otherwise do it gently... I must say that your goal should be to feel her good and happy, not to cum her because some men think mostly women cum during this...

But I guarantee you that if you make her happy during Oral Sex, She cum before than you, when you intercourse with her.

P.S. don't forget her tongue the key triggers are her lips, neck, legs, breasts,ears.

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this text field is too short to describe myself.. haha

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