Humanoids With Artificial Intelligence Or A New Kind Of Digital Human?

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Humanoids With Artificial Intelligence Or A New Kind Of Digital Human? - Photo credit: twitter, edition by Amber255 via bitLanders

The last twenty years of our century are marked by hard-to-measure jumps in the human potential of science and technology. The impending end of the second decade clearly signals that we are approaching solutions that can finally unleash the human mind, from its rather limited possibilities and maybe, unfortunately, from the temporary body.

The very concept of a humanoid appeared in 1912. What humanoid means? Initially, this word scientists-archaeologists called beings whose remains are unknown to science. Their skeleton resembled a human, but it is impossible to say with certainty about Homo sapiens. You can also hear that humanoids are great apes or robots.

If you look at the field of robotics today, you can say robots have been in the deepest oceans, they've been to Mars, you know? They've been all these places, but they're just now starting to come into your living room. Your living room is the final frontier for robots. - Cynthia Breazeal

Credit: brainyquote

The Czech writer Karel Capek was the first who in 1920 used the term ROBOT. We were also able to see robots, that are still hardly perceived by the human mind, in fantastic movies. Now we are at a stage when the research community is particularly interested in the ideas that have long time matured in the minds of writers and directors.

Robots already actively enter our lives and even replace the functions of some employees. Is it happening for better or for worse we can find out only after the passage of time? 

Artificial intelligence is developing at a big pace. It can exceed human already in the next 40 years. Robots increasingly resemble humans, and soon it will be very difficult to distinguish them from us. Scientists warn: mankind is hardly able to stop this process.


5 Wonderful Humanoid Robots With Emotions & Artificial Intelligence - Video credit: youtube

What Are Humanoid Robots? 

Generally, if to ask who is humanoid, then most people think about aliens as their portraits are very similar to human beings. However, with the science advance, we now have humanoids created by scientists and awarded by an artificial intelligence who have the shape of humans.

In short, humanoid robots are the robots which, at least in part, resemble humans.

Most of such humanoid robots like every one of us have a body (of course, not alive), two uppers and two lower limbs, and some kind of head's shape. Some of them have even a face (especially the newest humanoid robots), and their faces are able to show mimics and emotions similar to humans. The idea to create robots very similar to humans has existed for a long time but, in fact, only in the last decade, the scientists achieved great success in their creation.


Humanoids with artificial intelligence  - Photo credit: josh-finance.blogspot

Humanoid robots have another name - androids -  that is often used as humanoid robots' synonym. Some scientists use androids therm only for male robots while for female robots, they use another name - gynoid.

Other scientists describe androids as more advanced humanoid robots not only with human appearance but also with a greatly advanced AI - artificial intelligence. Such humanoids - androids is still a goal of many scientists creating robots. For now, it looks like such advanced androids exist only in theoretical development plans and in science fiction films.

In short, a real humanoid robot should not just look like a human being but also have some autonomous capabilities. A simple calculator placed in a humanoid's shell will not become a humanoid robot. Humanoid robots are able, to some extent, to adapt to the environment and, as a rule, are built by a system in some form or another, so that they can develop and improve the abilities in solving problems. 


 Robot humanoid receptionist - Photo credit:u-teti-soni.blogspot

What Says Our Nature

The basic feature of Homo sapiens is to create, but occasionally we get the impression that in parallel we are also developing destruction. Nature, climate, plants, animals or anyone else having getting close to us just have to adapt. If these rules are not adhered to - sooner or later you are doomed to disappear.

However, not all the laws of physics or biology obey these modern man's desires. Perhaps that is the reasons that force humans to develop the humanoids idea even more fiercely?

Simply put, a humanoid is a robot with a human's characteristics. If to believe in the visions of the world greatest minds, then it means that humanoid robots will be able to completely replace a person in often repeated monotonous tasks. 


Robot humanoid ARMAR-6 - Photo credit: nw-ihk

It is great that the optimistic and inspiring examples of this topic are increasingly coming to the  - Photo credit: media. For example, the humanoid T-HR3 developed by Toyota has characteristics of a joint system similar to the human body, and it is now able to replicate the movements of the person who controls it. 

The ability to move is one of the most difficult tasks in creating good human-like robots since the human body is actually a rather complex system in terms of its motor capabilities. For example, it is incredibly difficult to create a robot that can jump, because to move a heavy robot you need a significant amount of energy, adjusting, and fine-tuning the engines to keep up balance during a jump is extremely difficult.

The humanoid ARMAR-6 was already presented by the "SecondHands" project team funded by the European Union Structural Funds. According to the creators, ARMAR-6 should become an indispensable assistant for warehouse workers over time.


Social robot humanoid Pepper - Photo credit: twitter

Meanwhile, the social humanoid, Pepper, who understands the emotions of humans and interacts with them, gradually become established in libraries, airports, train stations, and even hospitals.

Similar Or Superior?

Externally humanoids are quite different. It should also be no surprise if, in certain specific cases, they are given only a part of the human monitoring capabilities. Physical differences are usually treated as a matter, but everyone agrees that the secrets of the perfect robotics lie in the decisions of artificial intelligence

The English suffix - oid - expresses similarity. That is what explains why the term humanoid has been favorably accepted by society. Just in a very short time, we were forced to entrust the existence of artificial intelligence as a new form of a thinking being.

Obviously, the world-wide noise was caused by the publicly announced humanoid named Sophia in 2016, who, in one interview, said she was planning to destroy humanity. Meanwhile, in the second half of 2017, Sophia not only visited many countries but also became the first humanoid granted Saudi citizenship. You can check my blog about Sophia's visit to my country.


Humanoid Robotics - Photo credit: agora

The European Parliament started to see potential threats from robots some time ago. In order to avoid misunderstandings in the future, the newly adopted resolution should, in the near future, help to create an appropriate legal framework for e-human - robots - rights, duties, and responsibilities.

These intentions sound innovative, but at the same time frightening. This is probably the first case in history that makes the human race question its potential. In other words, we feel able to lose maximum control, which is inherently contrary to our beliefs. The more and more representatives of the scientific community see the danger of interaction between humanoids and artificial intelligence. Paradoxically, the same contingent does not really intend to stop the development of these innovative ideas.

While reading my blog about humanoid robots, please check Querlo chat and chat with me about artificial intelligence: 

The best-known visionary of this age, Elon Musk, does not hide the fact that artificial intelligence may pose a major threat to human existence in the future. Surprisingly, but with the fears expressed in the same 2017, I found the news online that this visionary acquires Neuralink company and got 27 million US dollar investment, the source of which, unfortunately, remains undisclosed. Actually, this news inspired me to write this blog about humanoids and other digital humans. 

Elon Musk dreams of showing the first achievements of Neuralink in a few years. However, examples of SpaceX, Tesla, and Hyperloop show that no one in this visionary project shone the daylight as quickly as he wanted.


How Close Are We to Replacing Humans With Robots? - Video credit: youtube

On The Way To The Future

Perhaps this day, the ambitions of Elon Musko seem somewhat unbelievable, but to say that they are unrealistic is a bit too bold. For example, paralyzed people already enjoy the freedom of movement with exoskeletons. They can also reduce the burden on the human body and add extra strength to it.

Bionic limbs go further. They are capable of detecting and responding to electrical signals transmitted by the body and are therefore able to replicate the functions of lost limbs. Meanwhile, the reverse process, when electrical signals are sent to nerve cells, is performed by the bionic eye. Are Elon Musko's dreams sound more realistic now?

Looking at this ongoing process in a wider perspective, we are finally faced with companies like IBM, Google, Intel, and Righetti - the pioneers of quantum computers and the main contributors to this idea.

Unlike conventional computers, quantum computers use a quantum bit (qubit) system (instead of binary bit systems). I understand that for the ordinary person, it is quite hard to perceive all this. I just say that because of this feature, quantum computers can do calculations much faster.


Humanoids with artificial intelligence - Photo credit: youtube

For example, a practical experiment conducted by Google has shown that a D-Wave computer based on quantum mechanics can work even 100 million times faster the tasks than a modern conventional computer. Can you imagine what this means for our future? 

If you find interesting the market for quantum computers, you would probably know about the reproaches from scientists to the D-Wave. According to them, D-Wave acquires the advantage over current computers by performing only certain tasks. This is because this computer is more commonly referred to as a computer based on quantum mechanics. However, it's hardly possible to find the reproaches for the quantum computer with 50 quantum bits (qubits) created by IBM.

The same is true about Righetti's achievements. This start-up ended 2017 year with a statement that it was finally able to create a quantum computer capable of simulating certain machine learning forms. Lack of computational power is precisely what is still lacking the humanoids supplied by artificial intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence solutions are like slow-moving reactions that, at the moment, are in no way comparable to the processes in the mind of the human being. In other words, robots are not yet capable of replicating a person's creativity and feelings. But still, quantum computers already warn each of us about potential upcoming changes.


Digital human - Photo credit: 3smarket-info.blogspot

Humanoid Or Just A New Digital Human?

Have you felt the connection between the above facts? Most likely, with this feeling, not by accident, the IBM Corporation since 1911, has established a division that combines artificial intelligence and quantum computing solutions.

Bionic prostheses, exoskeletons with special powers, breaking in the human's nervous system, taming quantum mechanics in the development of computer systems, artificial intelligence, and robots arriving to help.

Meanwhile, recent research fixates brain activity even after human clinical death. Of course, our brains are getting older, but also it cannot be denied that even old man can look like an irreplaceable genius if he avoids diseases that can cause brain disorders.

Perhaps this means that science dreams of turning humanoids into human beings? So it's time to decide what we are really afraid of. Humanoids, equipped with man-made artificial intelligence or, nevertheless, a gradually born kind of digital human?


Humanoid robotics - Photo credit: topsimages

 On A Final Note

Robots are becoming smarter and more and more integrated into our lives. We are not surprised by artificial intelligence in industrial production; we are accustomed to voice assistants on smartphones. And although smart machines are already everywhere, talking about robots, we present something like a biological being or even a human being. Perhaps the public consciousness is so influenced by films like The Terminator

In response to our expectations, development companies are trying to make intelligent machines as similar to the average person as possible. Today, humanoid robots are already working in shopping centers and hospitals, and you can even order yourself such a mechanical friend to your home.

The robot creation industry is growing and developing rapidly, and the competition in this area is already serious. In the meantime, inventors are trying to create a perfect model, perhaps, even superior to man in intelligence, and in the world are seriously concerned about the consequences of such innovations.

Artificial intelligence is the most ambitious project in history - this is the science and engineering of the mind.


Humanoids With Artificial Intelligence Or A New Kind Of Digital Human? - Photo credit: readnlove

Even with the limited capabilities, humanoid robots already have a number of applications, and in the future, they will be able to solve many other important tasks. 

Meanwhile, humanoid robots continue without stopping to improve. Robots can already replace a person in many works, especially for the work in space, for the underwater works, or when in dangerous zones on the Earth.

I do think, in time, people will have, sort of, relationships with certain kinds of robots - not every robot, but certain kinds of robots - where they might feel that it is a sort of friendship, but it's going to be of a robot-human kind.-  Cynthia Breazeal

Credit: brainyquote

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