I hate my internet connection

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 My internet connection is very slow, when i do speedtest the download speed become 0.85mbps that supposed to be 2mbps, i call the customer service of my ISP why my connection is slow. When i call customer service of my ISP he ask me to open my cmd in my laptop to ping while after doing that when i say the result of my ping he said that my connection is normal then i said to him this is not normal.I dont if the customer service a basic knowledge in networking he doesn't know what is normal to slow connection.
Later on the customer service said to me why i get slow connection is because we got to share the speed of connection to specific place or area meaning to say their connection of internet has a bandwidth allocation or per usage policy.So i said to customer service why you did not told that before about your policy and i said also to him this is unfair, you did not inform your customer about the implementation of this kind of policy.

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