i miss u :(

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Dhuas for the families whom lost their light. Dhuas that inshallah one day you emerge from the darkness and see that light again. May you be granted patience. May you find solace in the fact that your light will never be forgotten. They will always remain in our hearts. Always in our thoughts. Always a part of us. We will live for them. Through each of us they will live on. We will spread the love they cannot, spread the joy they cannot. We will honor their names, honor their memory. We will never forget them, that I promise you. Cherish your loved ones, love thy neighbour, help those in need. Don't go a day without bringing a smile to somones face. Much love to you all. ‪#‎apsmartyrs‬ ‪#‎apspeshawar‬

About the author


❤ Fahad ❤ Selfieholic

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