What It's Really Like to Be a Woman Who Loves Rough Sex

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What It's Really Like to Be a Woman Who Loves Rough Sex

"If a guy doesn't take the lead in the bedroom, I know I usually have my work cut out for me."


Rough sex is often the topic of heated debates, with many categorizing it as abuse and others categorizing it as a legitimate fetish. In this week's Sex Talk Realness, Cosmopolitan.com spoke with three anonymous women about their experiences with loving rough sex on their terms. 

How old are you?
Woman A: Twenty-seven. 

Woman B: Twenty-three. 

Woman C: Thirty-four. 

What do you consider rough sex?
Woman A: Anything that involves a little bit of danger and experimentation. For me, it usually involves some uncomfortable effects afterward such as soreness or completely losing your voice after giving an earth-shattering blow job.


Woman B: I think it can basically revolve around pretty aggressive/hard sex, but mainly I think of rough sex as incorporating things like spanking, choking, gagging, hair pulling, or being pinned down or pushed.

Woman C: Hmm, I guess being held down, told what to do, hard thrusting, etc.

What do you think is the difference between rough sex and BDSM?
Woman A: I feel like BDSM is more planned out while rough sex is a "whatever happens, happens" encounter. 


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❤ Fahad ❤ Selfieholic

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