If I had my life to live all over again…

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If I had my life to live over again,

I’d simply be me.

I’d live with fewer inhibitions,

I’d care less about what people think of me and look at myself through my own mirror.

I’d walk barefoot on the cool wet grass more often,

I’d watch more sunsets,

I’d listen to the music of my heart and live by it,

I’d walk with my head high and smile, even if mounds of worry overwhelm me.

I’d spend more time with myself, just myself.

I’d dare to make more mistakes.

I’d say ‘no’ more often.

I’d appreciate others more,

I’d try giving more and not worry about ingratitude,

I’d live with lesser insecurities,

I’d express my happiness more often, without shackling it in chains.

I’d sit by the undulating sea while hours tick by,

I’d reflect on life more often,

I’d never think of giving up on things and do whatever it takes to realise my dreams.

I’d thank everyone who crosses my path, for I know that every encounter, every moment in life, be it smooth or rough, is meant to bring the better out of us.

I’d take more risks.

I’d try harder.

I’d learn to adjust my sails.

I’d uninterruptedly look outside the window while travelling, for every journey unfolds a world of its own.

I’d slow down and take a moment to really see.

I’d play in the jumping castles like a small child craving fun and not care about who’s looking; for in the end, all that really matters is who I am in the eyes of God, not people.

I’d write more often,

I’d ride more merry-go-rounds.

I’d not question life and probe for answers that are not there. Life presents us with the answers when we least expect it to.

I’d cry more often, be they tears of joy or sadness,

I’d live each day striving to get better and rise beyond petty human comparisons.

I’d blow more water bubbles and see them drift into a distance. Bubbles are like life; while each one glistens in sunshine, showing off their brilliant colours, they eventually burst into nothingness, just like us humans in this temporary world.

I’d live each day to the fullest, for each day comes bearing its own gifts; we just need to untie the ribbons.

I’d care more, making sure that my concern for others outweigh those for myself.

I’d learn to swim, and swim beautiful rivers,

I’d go see dolphins in the mighty oceans.

I’d learn to ride a bicycle and cycle my way through paths laid with beautiful daisies,

I’d just live more moments, countless and magical.

And yes, I’d just want to be like me, with all my imperfections.

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