In front of someone waiting for you

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I take a step forward, someone somewhere will love you, need you, love you a happy and full. You deserve more than that, do not ever worry about my heart, I have to go back to the people I love. This shoulder can not be for me anymore.


There is a clear affection can not hold but let not.

There is an emotional thing than friends but can not be called love.

There is an emotional thing to know love is pain, but no representation is false abandon.

There is one person I know and remember that merchants know wait wait, but we can not know love.

There is a need, but do not want to keep them with us because there was a person before they come to us.

There is a wait, but we're told we do not know how long to wait.

Loving the right person, at the right time is happy.

Loving the right person, at the wrong time is unfortunate.

Love someone and they love me as a perfect love.

Expect a pity they only love brings us a lot of sins.

I do not know if I do not love you anymore, I just see the little children, you need to protect me by your side I felt strong, my shoulders become strong and spread wide, the feeling that I love not brought to me, only when the child will feel that they are a righteous man.

So I'm with you, is the mainstay for me, I know you love me but I never once said I did not love you because I love to make people sad.

I know I was wrong, wrong with the girl I love and wrong to me - my daughter loves. I would love to have leveled two daughters. I do not deserve me hope, not by your side, how many days past, but the greed of a man who sent me to do so.

front of someone waiting for you

But dear, now I know I can not betray my daughter the last four years to continue with you. And the more I can not let you waste of a young girl for every wrong reverse follow me like a shadow silently. I can not hold you between the crowded city, and you can not date as the couple love each other, not to say love you, can not tell others you're my girlfriend, as I could not bring about launches family, I can not tell what men really do love you. My heart split in two ways.

I know you love me so much, I accept my party with an unnamed relationship is not clear, I'm always waiting for me. But I understand you are very sad, very painful when I next see the person I love, I just find them when I'm sad, I'm drunk. I'd protect you but also to my daughter. I can not continue to share my love into two pieces protruding beyond.

So honey, let me take a strong go of my hand. I do not deserve you girl sacrificed her youth, you walk forward, where there will be people who love you, need you, love you a happy and full. You deserve more than that, do not ever worry about my heart, I have to go back to the people I love. This shoulder can not anymore for me, please forgive me, forgive me, forgive the greed and selfishness of a man like me. The next step you take, there are people waiting in front of you, for you were holding hands, let go of my hand, the hand does not belong to me. So I owe you a love.

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