It Hurts When You Fall

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      "Some says, if you aim high in life, you will succeed...for me, I don't think so, because, I saw some people and some are my friends, they do aiming high, but, they don't have enough resources to do that and no one is willing to help them, yes, it is very easy to say that to those who have the ways and means, but to others that don't have, it is very hard and it's hurts them a lot that they don't succeed in life...they said, they did everything, but still a failure, what is the right thing to do, some are asking, am I a jinx or god forget me?" My friend said to me, "why is this happening to me?, all my dreams are not fulfilled, yes, it is very easy to dream big, but, its only in my dream, ha ha ha", she laugh, while she's crying..."

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