Know HIV-AIDS Closer

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You may have heard about HIV and AIDS, but many people do not know the true facts about this disease. HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is the virus that causes AIDS will destroy the immune system (immune) protect our body against various diseases. AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) is a set of symptoms that arise due to the decline in the person's immune system has been infected with HIV before.

Based on data from the Ministry of Health, Republic of Indonesia, at the end of the period in 2012 found as many as 21 511 cases of people with HIV and AIDS in Indonesia as many as 5686 people. As for the capital region of Jakarta according to the local health department the number of AIDS patients during the year 2013 reached 6973 cases. Meanwhile, the number of HIV-AIDS worldwide currently reaches more than 34 million people.

What are the symptoms of HIV virus infection?

First symptoms of HIV infection as well as the symptoms of other ailments such as influenza, including low-grade fever, headache, fatigue, and muscle aches. These symptoms can last for several weeks. Then usually will not cause any symptoms at all for many years. That is why it is hard to tell if someone has been infected with the HIV virus.

What are the symptoms of AIDS?

Symptoms appear in the advanced stages of AIDS after being infected with the HIV virus. Stages of AIDS usually lasts for approximately 5-10 years after it was first infected with HIV. Damage to the immune system making the patient experienced symptoms of canker sores that do not heal, weight loss, vaginal yeast infection, frequent fever, diarrhea, shortness of breath, swelling of the lymph nodes in the neck and armpits, changes in skin color became more pale, bleeding, impaired to mental paralysis.

How do I know if it is infected with HIV?

You can not know with certainty the possibility of HIV infection to be tested (the test) is done by taking a blood sample. About 1 in 5 people with HIV do not know that they are infected themselves, so it's good for those who have a high risk of HIV infection is the possibility to perform testing (HIV testing).

Is there a cure for HIV-AIDS?

It is not yet found a cure for the HIV virus to kill or cure AIDS. However, if a person has HIV / AIDS, drugs used to strengthen the immune system so it does not keep the fast growing HIV to AIDS or to relieve the symptoms of AIDS.

How HIV is transmitted and what pencegahanya?

HIV-AIDS can be transmitted through blood, vaginal fluid, breast milk, and semen. Therefore, in order not to contract the virus is a good idea to avoid free Sex (mutually exchange partners, prostitutes, and homosexuals), avoid sharing needles together (Tattoo and piercing), stay away from drugs and alcohol, do not use a razor and brush teeth together, ensuring Mothers who are / will be pregnant HIV infection, blood transfusion perform the procedure correctly, and for medical personnel to be more prone to infection carefully.

What to do If I Positively Infected with HIV / AIDS?

For better results, the following steps can be done when you are already suffering from HIV-AIDS posiitif.

1. Consult with a physician who has experience treating HIV / AIDS.

2. Tell your sexual partner may also be infected, to jointly find a way out and maintenance.

3. Protect your sex partners of HIV through safe sex (using a condom).

4. Get support information, social, legal and psychological health of workers and agencies, foundations tatau support organizations for people living with HIV / AIDS (PLWHA).

5. Do not be afraid to let them know your HIV status in the family, they may initially be surprised and shocked, but in the future you really need support from family members and people terekat.

6. Keep your immune system with regular medical checkups at the doctor and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

7. Get enough rest, avoid stress and meet healthy nutrition intake.

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