Kulitis (Native/LocalSpinach)

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Kulitis- Uray/Amaranthus spinosus Linn. - a Local or Native Spinach which naturally grown in the wild like an ordinary grass to other, but this was not just a grass but a vegetable and a therapeutic herbal plant.

I love and like this vegetable aside it taste good it is very much cheap and easy to find especially in the rainy season, it cost me nothing to get this since it was naturally grow  in our farm yard. I learn to eat this when I was small kid since my father loves to eat different vegetables. We usually saute it with garlic, onion & tomato and some  smoked fish or grilled fish and sometimes I also do add shrimp paste. We also add it in Pinakbet or Dinengdeng, we also try it out with some veggie dish like in Suam na Mais, with Sponge Guard and Long  beans,or what so ever ingredients are around I just invented any dish and  named it Veggie Miskipap which I later on discus and teach you how to make/cook it.

It is good for the stomach and anti- diabetic aside of being nutritious.



I advise to use the Female plant leaves in Cooking and using for Tea because the Male Kulitis plant was very thorny it can pricked you by its thorn  when picking the leaves.


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Simple but talkative, business minded & hard working.

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