Marrakesh - Morocco

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The name Marrakesh is popular across the globe. This location based out of Morocco is a popular tourist destination. However, most people do not realize the importance of this city. This location has been in the eye of travelers from ancient times. Some historians even go so far as to label it the most significant of the imperial cities built by the Berber regime. The Berbers were initially farmers in the Neolithic era. In the year 1062 AD, the cousin of Kind Tashfin, Abu Umar built and founded Marrakesh. In the eleventh century, the trademark red sandstone was used extensively for construction in the city. This became the identity of the city. In the twelfth century, another identity was built. These were the mosques and schools teaching the Koran which the Almoravids constructed.

Though it lost its political significance for a short period of time, it regained it back in the sixteenth century. This was when the city was made the capital of Morocco. This was followed by more constructions and restoration of destroyed structures. It also gained more popularity as a pilgrimage destination for followers of the Sufi sect. The reason was the burial of the seven saints of the sect in the city.


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