My 2nd Cash out

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I joined bitlanders since October. And it's hard to believe that this is my 2nd cash out, while others is already their 5th or higher. Why? Because I'm only active for 3 days after I registered. I'm inactive for almost 1 and a half month. I'm too lazy to buzz and stay up all night and day but only earning how many cents. That's how I reacted before. But not anymore. As I said on my previous blog, I found happiness and I'm enjoying the time sharing thoughts with the other members here.

I made my first cash out last January 27, 2015 and because it's my first time to redeem, I need to comply to their cash out rule which is to submit an Identification Card. And it took me two days before I received the money in my Bitcoin Wallet, that was on January 29, 2015. I was so excited and very happy that time, I thought I'm going to stop this already but now I can't. See that? Because I'm really enjoying lots of challenging and exciting surprises of bitlanders.

When you're a new member expect that you can be able to cash out after 1 month more or less. It's hard but after that, you're going to cash out again after a week or more with out noticing it. Just like me but after my first cash out, I invested here. I mean, I bought gems so that I can submit a blog for review. When the result came out , that's the beginning that I'm really earning fast.

That's why I redeemed yesterday and I just received it now =). That's really great isn't it? 

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