Natural Resources Of the Muslim World (Part-II)

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Agricultural Products.

ALLAH has bestowed the Muslim world with great agricultural potential, most of the Muslim countries have fertile valleys and alluvial plains.

1.         Wheat.

            In the Muslim world, the largest quantity of wheat is grown on the 45% under cultivated area of Turkey. Wheat is also produced in Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Iran, Algeria, Tunisia, Jordan and Palestine and in European Muslim States of Albania and Bosnia. In Egypt the Nile valley, in Iraq the valleys of Tigers and Euphrates and in Pakistan the Indus Valley is famous for the cultivation of wheat.

2.        Rice.

          Indonesia and Bangladesh are most important rice producing countries of the Muslim world. Pakistan also produces considerable quantity of rice. Egypt, Iran, Syria and Malaysia also produce rice in large quantity. Barley maize, jowar and pulses are produced in all the wheat producing countries.

3.      Cotton

        Egypt is famous for its good quality cotton. Turkey, Syria and Iran are other important cotton producing countries of the Muslim world. Sudan, Algeria, Nigar also produce cotton. Pakistan occupies fifth position as a producer of cotton in the world.

4.      Sugarcane.

         Sugarcane is used for manufacturing of white sugar. Sugarcane is an important food crop of Indonesia, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Egypt, Iran and Sudan. All these Muslim countries produce sufficient quantity of sugarcane for their internal needs but Indonesia and Egypt also export sugar to other countries.

5.      Tobacco.

         Tobacco is cultivated in Indonesia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Iran, Kazakistan, Algeria, Egypt, Turkey, Albania Syria and Iraq. Turkey and Egypt are famous for their fine cigars throughout the world.

6.       Corn, Millet, Barley.

          these crops are used as human food and as fidder for cattle. They are mostly cultivated in Egypt, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Somalia the Sudan and Morocco.

7.       Tea.

          In Malaysia and Bangladesh fine quantity of tea is cultivated. These two countries are the leading tea exporters of the world. Tea is also cultivated in Indonesia and Azerbaijan.

8.       Rubber.

         Tyres and tubes of motor vehicles and many other important things are made of rubber. Malaysia and Indonesia are the leading producers of rubber. they earn a lot of foreign exchange from rubber production.

9.      Jute.

         Jute is an important cash crop of Bangladesh. It produces 69 percent of the total jute grown in the world. Bangladesh earns 75 percent of its foreign exchange from the export of jute to other countries. Now the cultivation of jute is also being carried out in Pakistan.

Industrial Products.

The Muslim world did not only utilize the GOD gifted minerals they also grew many crops as mentioned already. the Muslim wold also focussed on industrial development.

1.        Cotton Cloth.

          Pakistan stands first among the Muslim world in cotton textile Turkey and Egypt also make fine quantity Textiles. Other Muslim countries manufacturing cotton cloth are Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Bangladesh, Malaysia and Indonesia. these Muslim counties also manufacture woolen cloth and Silk cloth.

2.       Iron and Steel Industry.

         Pakistan has a big steel mill in Karachi. Turkey has established a number of Industries based on Iron and Steel. Pakistan, Egypt, Bangladesh and Indonesia have ship building industries. Many machine and tool factories are working in Taxilla (Pakistan).

3.      Sugar, Cement, Fertilizers and Vegetable Ghee.

         Muslim countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Iran, Turkey, Egypt, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and Morocco are operating many plants for the manufacture of Sugar, Cement, Fertilizer, and Vegetable Gee.

4.    Fruit Preservation.

       For fruit preservation, Cold storages plants are established in Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Iraq, Turkey, Syria and Pakistan.

5.     Sports and Surgical Instruments

        Pakistan is famous in the world for its sports and surgical instruments. Pakistan earns a lot of foreign exchange by exporting sports goods and surgical instruments. Turkey also produces high quality sports goods.

6.     Leather Good.

        Pakistan is famous for its leather goods the world over. Bangladesh, Malaysia, Turkey, Iran, Egypt, Indonesia, Iraq, Sudan and Tunisia also manufacture leather goods.

About the author


I am Muhammad Haneef Khan I am Administration Officer in Pakistan Public School & College, K.T.S, Haripur.

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