Nawaz raises Kashmir issue with UN chief

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Pakistan’s prime minister Nawaz Sharif raised the Kashmir plebiscite issue with Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Sunday, according to media reports.
The Pakistan premier also wanted the United Nations Military Observer Group for India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP) strengthened, The Times of India said quoting Pakistani media.
UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon reportedly urged India and Pakistan to “continue their peaceful dialogue”.
A statement issued by his office said that in a meeting with prime minister Nawaz Sharif, the secretary general also advised Islamabad to stay engaged with Afghanistan.
A Pakistani official said the prime minister also raised the Kashmir issue during the meeting, according Dawn.
The Times of India added Nawaz will have another opportunity next week during the annual general debate of the General Assembly to raise the Kashmir issue.
He is listed as a speaker on Wednesday during the debate, and traditionally that is forum for airing bilateral and other grievances.

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