Nelson Mandela

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Nelson Mandela (1918 – 2013) was a South African political activist. He was released in 1990 after spending 20 years in prison and, in 1994, he was elected the first leader of independent South Africa. He worked for ending racial segregation. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993 for his work. He is considered the father of independent South Africa and widely praised for his ability to bring together a nation, previously divided by race. Nelson Mandela is one of the most admired political leaders of the Twentieth and Twenty First Century for his vision to forgive.

Nelson Mandela was born in Transkei, South Africa on July 18, 1918. He was from the Tembu tribe which is tribe of South Africa. Nelson took part in the activities and initiation ceremonies of his tribe. Nelson Mandela got a full education, studied at the University College of Fort Hare and also the University of Witwatersrand. Nelson was a good student. He completed law degree in 1942.

During his time at University, Nelson Mandela became aware of the racial inequality and injustice faced by non-white people. In 1943, he decided to take part in the struggle against racial discrimination.