New PTC (International)

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Here is a new site for ceuw who know the PTC (Paid-to-Click)
Here is my referral link:

The principle:

Every day you get 16 pubs activation that relate each 50 BAP (Bonus Ad Point)
The BAP is what?
Simply put, the more you BAP and the amount reported by pubs increase.
You can recycle 2 X 50 Bap day that let you have the pubs pay those that earn money $
In addition, there are also games styles lottery to win more BAP therefore increase the chances of increasing his earnings

You can also invest $ 1 spent, you earn:
-Your website appears 50 times in the pubs of the day
-25 728x90 banner displays
-100 Banner displays 125x125
and most important BAP 3100
If you want more to know buzz me!!!

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Just me!!!!

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