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Nursing mean taking care of and looking after the sick the injured the young and old or the help less with love and sympathy it is difficult to say at what point in history nursing was organize in scientific way yet it is easy to understand that it must be as old as mans feeling for his suffering fellow men for only sympathy and love could move one human being sorry for some one in distress to look after him in sickness and try to do something for him to restore him and to restore him to health islam regards nursing very important our holy PROPHET S .A. W  visit the sick regularly comforted them and spoke kind words to them he would go even to inquire after his ailing enemies he urged  the muslims to help those who were sick or suffering on the bettle field all muslim soldier were always very kind to the sick old and injured they never killed their wounded enemies muslim ladies were very active on the battle field giving water to the soldiers and tending the wounding and the sick HAZRAT GHAFARIA who a combined the HOLY PROPHET S A W in the battle of khyber was a very good nurse.    

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