Obama's Internet Success

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It is no secret the the reason for Barack Obama's success in the 2008 presidential election was his use of the social media. President Obama had done something that no one had ever done before him, he took full advantage of social media tools. Instead of using the conventional method calling houses and sending letters to get donations and support, Obama used social media to reach out to the people of America, using sites like Twitter and Facebook to get his message across. This method was superior to McCain's because all Obama had to do was to click a few buttons and he would reach thousands of people. In order for McCain to reach a similar audience his staff would have to make thousands of phone calls. Although, McCain wasn't completely out of the social media game, he was too late and ineffective. Obama has truly revolutionized presidential elections with his use of social media. I doubt that there will be a future election where the candidate does not use Facebook and Twitter as much as he/she possibly can. That being said I am interested to see the 2012 presidential election, where both candidates will be taking advantage of the social media to it's fullest. We have a a WebTV for Barack Obama if anyone is interested the link is posted below: Www.obamawebtv.net

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I've been model for three years now and have been doing jobs around have doing jobs all over the metropolitan area.

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