Oscars shoot Flat Feet 2

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This day was going to be the day of the dance itself and i had brought my camera again to mulit-cam the shoot.

We had obstacles on this day in the manor of a mirror in the middle of the room, i had to problem solve to shoot against the mirror without us being in the reflection. i also knew it was possible and so long as you shoot on an angle, there should be no problem.

I had 2 memory cards for this shoot and the first one was full of the media from the 1st day so i had my other one for this shoot. we managed to get lots of different angles and i did incorporate a lot of ideas for shots swell as oscar letting me know what he wanted.

the outcome of shooting this on a later date was the bonus that the dance teachers husband was there and he was famous for playing folk music so from that the documentary holds a lot more weight to it.

the longest amount of time was spent setting up the first shot because of lighting issues but from that point on the shots flew by. the only problem was it was 4 PM and the teacher and pete had to go out by 8 so we had 4 hours to get the whole sequence done. we did manage to finish the dance section but were missing cutaways so oscar asked if we could stay behind to film some cutaways and they agreed and just asked if we cut shut the door and the way out in which we did. with the location being in Yorkshire it did take me a while to drive us home afterwards but i did feel it was a good shoot.

the day afterwards i spent about 3 hours with oscar pulling all the footage of the cards ready for his edit. i did 43 hours for oscar with the 2 shoots i worked on with him. i learnt so much and it was good working with him.

on a whole a learnt a lot about the camera and also working with people who teach dance from their own home how it is really needed to understand them and what they are about first.


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