Pineapple Mango Vitamin C Booster Smoothie (vegan, GF)

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Smoothies are an easy way to work in extra vitamins, minerals, fiber, and all the goodness that plants can offer, including an extra boost of Vitamin C to help combat colds and flu, sickness, and germs. The pineapple in this smoothie really sings, the mango gives it an extra layer of sweetness, and the banana helps to provide creaminess. Like all smoothies, use what you have and enjoy, and in the quantities that work for you, taking note of the optional suggestions and ideas if desired. Smoothies are flexible, adaptable, and an easy way to work healthy fruits and vegetables into your diet. Halve, double, or triple the recipe as desired


YIELD: about 16 ounces, 2 generous smoothies

PREP TIME: 2 minutes

 COOK TIME: 0 minutes
TOTAL TIME: 2 minutes



1 cup frozen pineapple chunks
1 cup frozen mango chunks
1 medium ripe banana, peeled and frozen in chunks
1 cup milk (regular, almond, soy, coconut, etc.)
1 teaspoon+ vanilla extract

  • sweetener, to taste (sugar, agave, stevia, honey, maple syrup, dates, etc.)



  1. Place all ingredients in the canister of a Vita-Mix or blender and blend until smooth and creamy. Serve immediately. Pour extra into a freezer-safe cup and freeze for up to 1 month, thawing before serving (or microwaving for about 30 seconds).
  2. Double or triple the recipe to create planned leftovers - perfect to grab for busy morning breakfasts or as easy snacks. All ingredients and amounts are to taste. Use seasonal fruits or vary the quantities of fruits, to taste. I used bagged, frozen fruit from Trader Joe's. Using frozen is preferred to fresh since smoothie is automatically kept cold, without adding ice which waters it down. Optionally, consider adding a scoop of protein powder or dollop of yogurt for extra protein; or blending with juice to increase the amount of Vitamin C; add coconut flakes, nuts, seeds, dried fruits, or your favorite smoothie add-ins' to either the blender canister before blending or garnish smoothie with them after blending.

Recipe is vegan (use vegan milk, avoid honey), gluten-free, soy-free, and nut-free as written. Take care any ingredients used are suitable for your dietary needs.

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