Politics Part2

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In my last blog about politics i discussed origins of a state and government in light of the state of nature theory. Today I am going to present a new theory which will help us understand the emergence of a state.

The second theory put forward by many historians and philosophers states that states came into being due to the power and influence of the few selected ones. When there was no state or government people used to quarrel and fight for various issues and in these fights who ever became dominant, he became the ruler of others.

In those times people were very loyal to their states. An example of this often stated is that, Socrates had a lot of followers and fans, his social circle contained very high esteemed, rich and respectable people. When Socrates was in prison some of his followers went to him and offered him an escape plan and asked him to flee to the next state and spend a luxurious life there. Socrates refused this offer and said that being a citizen of the state I have done an agreement with the state that state is the ultimate authority, what so ever the state orders me, I have to follow at any cost. Moreover he said that even if the sentence of death for me is unjust , I can't disobey the state.

In that era the people sentenced to death were given a poisoned drink. Socrates also died in practice of this sentence. 

This theory worked very well and served well in understanding the roots of state. In the 15th century three philosophers Thomas, Lock, Roussou agreed to this theory.

In the next blog we will have a look of different form of governments. Thanks for your kind appreciation. Looking forward for your valuable reviews.


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Haripur, Pakistan

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