Quick thoughts 9/25/17

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personalSo today has been an okay day. I am still learning here and trying to be very active. So far I am. The weather has been nice here and in a day or two it will be cold again because it is Fall out technically. This is my third blog here and I am going to post as much as I can. I do micro-blogs, too. I have bipolar depression and I take 20mg of Latuda for it. The medicine has been helping and I am glad I finally have a medicine that works for it. No side effects. I am about to log off and go take a shower. I will be writing at least 2-3 blogs here per day and posting all the other times. Going to stay active here besides in MyLot. A few of you here are in MyLot. Nice to see you. I am just getting done watching WWE and my Dallas Cowboys football game. I am tired and ready for bed which I just might lay down instead. How is everyone's night going? I am off for the night. TTYL!

About the author


i am a stay at home mother and blogger.

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