Rain Again

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     This title sound very familiar these days, isn't it ? . I am quite sure that all the students must have seen it again and again because in the past couple of days i have suffered alot in rain.
But besides the discomfort and uneasiness brought by rain there are various goodies about rain which charms me and gives me a feeling of soft and sweat dreaminess.
   The dreaminess is even there before the rain starts, the horizon seems to be anticipating it , the air can be felt to be awaiting the first drops of fall. Sometimes the rain comes very aggressively and angrily, making the tress bow infront of it as it proves its mightiness. Sometimes it comes with a very calm and sober attitude.
My feelings, however, are always the same, an unconcious eagerness, the desire to make the best use of the rainy memories to let it soak in and the rough edges of reality with its cool, moist tenderness.
   Many times i have sat gazing out of a window at the first soft rain of season fall upon the trees. The dust and grime of half the year gradually wash away to leave them sparkling, rejuvenated and joyful. I have sat watching diamond like raindrops sliding across gleaming leaves, trembling on the leaf tips to catch a stray beam of light blinding in their monentary glory, before tumbling down to be absorbed gratefully by the earth.And upon stopping of the rain i have seen the indignant little sparrows hop out of their hiding places, moistly ruffled feathers fluffed out to dry, each chirping its own litany of complaints against the intruding raindrops.
All these thing are quite in significant, the detailed beauty of nature hardly ever noticed. We need to focus on such tiny mysterious ways of God which HE made to enchant us and to satisfy the needs of our soul.
    So, next time it rains, spend some time with yourself and the colors of nature awaiting your attention.

About the author


Haripur, Pakistan

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