Raising £1000 to fight poverty!

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If you read my blog a few weeks ago "Making a difference" you will have learned that I was undergoing an assessment in London to see if I was eligible for a funded 3 month overseas trip to fight poverty....


In the next two weeks I'll be finding out where I'm flying off to and I can't bloody wait to find out! :)

As part of an agreement I am now on a mission to raise a whopping £1000 for the Voluntary Service Overseas so they can continue working with developing countries and supporting volunteers in making a direct contribution to the fight against poverty.

Check out VSO's latest advert here

Some of the issues I could be working with :-

- HIV and aids

- education

- youth leadership

- access to healthcare

- climate change

To raise awareness of VSO one of my fundraising ideas is to SLEEP ROUGH!! If I can get enough people together, we will sleep on the streets for 2 nights and experience just a small taster of what it is like to have nothing.

There is also whispers of a hunger strike....

Keep following me folks!!! And please swing by my justgiving page http://www.justgiving.com/Amy-Hill-VSO if you have a spare quid or two :)

Over and Out!! :) 


About the author


I make short films for a hobby! Despite 7 years studying towards a professional career in the medium I have found freedom of film-making and self expression doesn't come with a pay check...I have a huge interest in Youth/Community development that I like to blog, photograph and film :)

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