Reasons Behind Our Behavior

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Reasons Behind Our Behavior





Hello Friends Welcome to Simmer Maleeha 's Blog.



Today i m going to share and make awareness about our behavior. As we observed around us we experienced different people shows different behaviors at different times. Sometimes we met a man who behaves rudely than we starts avoiding him, but there are many reasons behind his behavior. Its not a solution to avoid him .









Human beings are full of emotions, feelings, wishes, desires, and also have aims in lives . 

when a persons behave incorrectly , or rudely , may be he has any type of tension . He is passing from any problem , So its not a solution that we start ignore him , we have to find out his problem and try to solve his problem . It may cause a good relationship, and a good understanding.






Sometimes people behaved good in such a manner we made our mind that this is men is really a good person , but we became blind after watching his good behavior , here also are many reasons 

may be is just pretending to be good in actual he is not.
may be is good in actual .
may be he is mean , and greedy and doing this only for your money .

We always keep in mind before making any descision that people changes their behaviiour with their mood.

As like this we heard someone killed his girlfriend after using her,





Someone killed his wife because of daily fighting or quarrelsome with each other or she doesn't love him more , starts liking and making interest in someone else . So we always don't think that peoples behavoir are forever good ,

so the moral is peoples behavior are not same ever , they changed it as their mood is we need to understand the resons behind their behavior before doing trust and making any decision....

Thanks for reading
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