Remembering her

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Death ends life, not the relationship--Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom


Today is her 28th birthday. She may not be around but we still celebrate her birthday. 


Lucky--that is her nickname. She is the youngest, the 13th. Our relationship is not perfect, but it doesn't mean we don"t love each other. Just have those petty arguments on few occassions, which is just normal between siblings.


She may be the youngest but not spoiled. She is one of the toughest, tough for she took that pain at an early age when our parents died.


So many things that i remember. Lavander is her favorite color, she prefers to walk than ride a tricycle. She loves to sing. She loves to eat.


Happy birthday dearest sister. You will always be remembered and loved by us.



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I am one lover...

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