Sahih Bukhari

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Contains 7,008 hadiths, this book is written by Imam Bukhari. His complete name is Abu Abdullah MuhammadIbn Ismail Ibn Al Mughirah Ibn Bardizbah Al Bukhari Al Ju’fi. He more famous to call Imam Bukhari becaused he was born in the Bukhara city, Uzbekistan on 194 H/810 CE.

Imam Bukhari is the first one who has attention in particular to collect sahih hadith and he was followed by his friends and his students, Imam Muslim.

His spirits to follow Prophet hadith is amazing. He wandered from one country to another country for sixteen years and he managed to collect 600,000 hadith. He learned this spirit from his teacher, Ishaq Ibn Rawaih who asked his students to write a book that arranged sahih hadiths. Meanwhile, Imam Bukhrai dreamed that he stood up and fanned Rasulullah PBUH, that defined by expert that he is one who took care of Prophet Muhammad PBUH from the untruth people.

Imam Bukhari passed away at Eid Al Fitr night 256 H/870 CE ago. His corpse was buried at Khartank village in Samarkand.

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