Should men and women have equal rights of divorce?

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In the single's world, there is more to divorce than the "marriage"
that needs a legal
divorce.Many singles get in at least one long-term relationship that
never gets to the
altar.How do you know when it is time to end a relationship or
marriage? Ask them
over a period of time and emotional ups and downs before reaching any
There are no cut-and-dried answers, merely accumulated feelings that show it is
time to end the relationship.

1. The days of slavery for women are gone.
2. In unhappy marriages we find that men are mostly responsible who have an
attitude of ‘masters over their wives’.
3. It is always better to get separated for a woman than to remain
under a brutal
husband and hence she should be given equal rights.
4. Out codified family laws have provisions for equal rights of
divorce for both.
5. It gives women a say in their own matter, which is a fundamental right that
should be assured of.