Singer Ted Nugent Discusses Detroit, Obama, and Trayvon Martin

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The Lab NYC’s Arthur Kade got the chance to sit down with the always controversial singer, Ted Nugent. Ted says that he has truth, logic, common sense, and the American way, which lead him to start commenting on those who he felt interfered with the media interview.  Ted talks about the current bankruptcy of Detroit and President Barack Obama comparing the situation today to that of his youth. Ted says that he was raised in an environment where the American dream was based on effort, creativity, risk taking, and being the best that you can be but that liberal Democrats find a way to scam American’s through poor products and laziness.  Nugent talks about the bankruptcy of America in general by saying America is being scammed by excuses from the President, Cumo, and Bloomberg. He also goes on to say that we are being tricked in to bankruptcy from false security from ideas like a safety net and a stimulus plan. Ted always talks about his view of Trayvon Martin, saying that those who disagree with him are just ignorant. Nugent says that his view of the case, being that Zimmerman was in the right, was based on hard evidence and facts. On a lighter note Ted talks about his current tour saying that artist such as Chuck Berry, James Brown, and Little Richard live in his music, and he is grateful to still have a career these days.

In The Lab is shot at Contra Studios in New York, NY

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Producer, Entrepeneur, Founder, Advocate, Filmmaker & Dad w over 25 years of Film & Entertainment industry experience. Managing a collaborative community for startups, entrepreneurs, innovative technology companies, & LabChats. Trying to make a difference at 24 frames per second. Executive Producer of #InTheLab Internet Media Labs builds innovative real-time relevant.…

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