Sleeping Position Affects Beauty

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Turns sleeping habits can affect the health and beauty of your face. If you do not want that happening habits should start to change your sleeping position.

Begin to sleep on their backs straight and use a pillow that is not too high. This position is considered the most perfect sleep because the body is in a position to relax. Your body is not curved so as to interfere with the heart and blood circulation.

Side sleeping position was not ugly but should not continually in that condition. Good lateral position is skewed to the right because it is considered by the physician not to suppress this position in your heart.

If you often sleep with the prone position, this is the worst position. Because the curvature of the spine can push that causes the muscles remain tense during sleep. Additionally stomach can make your face puffy and red eyes due to the chest and heart depressed.

But avoid challenging sleep because the lights will make your face pucker while sleeping soundly. Do not forget, leave your jewelry and underwear while sleeping, so that blood can circulate better and make you sleep more soundly.

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