Soar Pash Kidz : Crowndfunding of the Future

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                    There has been a lot demand for people to get their brilliant ideas out there.  Even Mark Cuban claims there is a bubble in the private evaluations lead by Kickstarter and Indigogo.  As you may know us at Powcoin believe that crypto IS venture capital.  So we are pleased to solve a problem in the market place with our new crowdfunding asset SPKZ.  The problem is: you, your friend or any project VC or otherwise have hit a "sour patch".  Momentum is good ideas are flourishing but the capital is running out.  One could simple issue more assets,water down your existing user base by letting others buy in, who will want liquidity later.  Hurting overall profits. If the money one raises doesn't turn out to be as productive as one thought.  You could have a serious liquidity event that may end up disappointing your original user base.  Well SPKZ is a Counterparty token created by the Powcoin family as a funding arm and subsidiary of Bitcoin Pizza LLC.  If there is a project you have that is in a sour patch send us a basic outline of your plan.  ( Contact us via twitter for email to send basics to )  How will you use the funds ? How long have u had this idea ? What other projects have you worked on ? What is the end game or long term goal. How will you or your project reward your 'kidz' who got you threw the sour patch ? Answer all these questions and we may select you to receive 100M SPKZ in which to use to raise funds for your project.  The P in SPKZ is PASH and it stands for Perfect Action Share Holder.  One of my partners came up with this and it explains what SPKZ does to perfection.  As a supplement to whatever reward kidz get for funding your project, a certain amount of CounterParty assets can be rewarded in exchange for SPKZ that is returned to POWC dev.  Which assets and how many one would be able to swap for SPKZ will be on a case by case basis.  Expect something along the lines of 10,000 SPKZ getting you .25-1 of 1 or more tokens.  We plan to execute only 1 or two projects simultaneously.  This may be expanded depending on the creativity of funding strategies.  Also we have a few ideas of our own and we hate begging for money but we have some things that just need to get under the fingertips of the right coder.  We have decided, on the strength of Sour Pash Kidz token being able to be exchanged for other assets, that will will raise funds for our smart QR code project with the extra buy orders that support the order book in between specific project events.  SPKZ will be swappable on a weekly basis only, to streamline the process of redemption.

       We are confident that we are taking crypto and math-based assets into the right directions when it comes to crowdfunding.  We hope you will submit your project to us.  Remember we don't need REAL specifics about your technology and ideas.  We just need to screen the projects to insure that 100 Million SPKZ doesn't fall into a shady characters hands at cost of 500 POWC  500 FLDC & 500 OCTO which would be the down payment once your project is green-lighted.  Ideally you would sell the SPKZ in the market at a much higher rate than the swap rate, and higher than lowest buy orders, or do P2P orders.  The price of SPKZ is more of a backstop to protect unwitting kidz ( funders ) from being left with nothing in case your project fails or exceeds the patience of those crowding the fund.  Will add updates to website reddit etc.

About the author


I like to make hip hop music study the stock market and live a relaxed life in general.

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