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Tanzania is a nation in East Africa in the African Great Lakes area. It is the thirteenth biggest nation in Africa by region.

Human settlement in what is currently Tanzania started around 8,000 BCE, when seeker gatherers talking Khoisan dialects settled along the Gregory Rift on Olduvai Gorge’s south. Around 1,000 BCE, herders talking Cushitic dialects moved to Tanzania from what is currently Ethiopia.

Eastern Nilotes people groups, including the Maasai, speak to a later movement from present day South Sudan inside the previous 1,500 to 500 years. The individuals of Tanzania have been connected with the generation of iron and steel. The Pare was the primary makers of exceptionally requested iron for people groups who involved the mountain districts of northeastern Tanzania. The Haya individuals on the western shores of Lake Victoria concocted a kind of high-hotness impact heater, which permitted them to manufacture carbon steel at temperatures surpassing 1,820 °c more than 1,500 years prior.

The music of Tanzania incorporates customary African music an unique hip bounce known as bongo flava and , string-based taarab. Renowned taarab artists are, Shakila of Black Star Group ,Culture Musical Club, Abbasi Mzee. Universally known customary craftsmen are, Tatu Nane, Bi Kidude and Hukwe Zawose. 

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