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In this post we will discuss the best and healthy vitamins for nail care. As we know that the nails are considered most important part of hand. Healthy and strong nails are the symbol of good health. A balanced diet along with best vitamins is very important for healthy nails. Now we would like to mention best vitamins for nails. Everyone should read this post carefully and add these vitamins in his / her daily diet. The best vitamins for nails are as follows:

The best vitamins for Nails

1) The best vitamin for nail care is vitamin C. According to the survey that vitamin C is considered best vitamin for the nails. The main sources of vitamin C include citrus fruits and green vegetables.

2) The second best and the very important vitamin for healthy nails is vitamin E. There are many nail diseases caused due to deficiency of vitamin E as fungi. Moreover, the main sources of vitamin E are green leafy vegetables and fresh fruit juices.

3) Furthermore, vitamin A is also very important for the proper maintenance of nail care. The person can easily get vitamin A from vegetables, fruits and grains. Person must have at least 3 fruits in his / her daily diet. For proper nail care, person should use creams that include vitamin A.

4) Finally, we would like to mention that vitamin B and K are very beneficial for health nails. Moreover, vitamin B and K are very effective in reducing bruising and brown markings. The best sources for vitamin B and K are vegetables, fruits and supplements.

These are important and the best vitamins to get healthy and strong nails. For those people especially women who want to get beautiful nails should include these vitamins in your daily diet. With the inclusion of these vitamins, you will certainly have healthy and beautiful nails.

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