The Carthage

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The Carthage


The Carthage goes again to 814 BCE when various Phoenicians established there from the town of Tire in Lebanon. They started to structure settlements along the shore of Africa and by 350 BCE Carthage was the main drive in the region, despite the fact that this was to be tested by the rising force of Rome and prompted war breaking out between the two controls over Sicily in 264 BCE, this got to be known as the first Punic War. Two different wars were to take after one of which was to deliver one of the best officers in history the Carthaginian Hannibal who brought his armed force with 37 elephants over the Alps to cause various annihilations on the Roman armed force. Hannibal's successful spree was just reduced when the Romans took the war to Carthage bringing about him being reviewed to secure Carthage, something that he found himself unable to do as he was vanquished by the Roman Scipio in 202 to end the Second Punic War. Between 202-150 Carthage succeeded through its exchange with North Africa and Greece, making Rome exceptionally uneasy.


In 150 BC Rome discovered a reason to mount an assault on Carthage and sent eighty thousand men. This brought about a three year attack and in 146 BCE Carthage tumbled to Scipio the Younger, the grandson of Scipio who crushed Hannibal 50 prior years. The City was smoldered to the ground and stayed in vestiges until Julius Caesar reconstruct it and made it the capital of the Roman region of Africa.