The Green Scheme

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Alexander took one last sip of his Mountain Dew before squatting in the cockpit. He tossed the empty bottle at Willis while smiling as he closed the hatch.
“We won’t know till we try will we? “ Willis crossed his arms and stood like a statue before walking away. He was an engineer and designer for Lockheed Martin. Alexander was a test pilot for the Air Force. The F-35 engine erupted breaking Willis’ train of thought. Ever since he was a kid the sound of a powerful engine gave him goose bumps. ‘Alexander is right’, he thought. Willis’ little brother had an I.Q. in the stratosphere, but he was one of the most gullible individuals that he knew. Willis has a new engine in the works that is 6 weeks behind schedule, and he may not even be able to deliver all the necessary specs. His genius brother on the other hand, who worked for Con-air, had designed a component that amplifies the usefulness of the switch that regulates the amount of heat and thrust coming out of blow-dryer. The idea was to merge the switches on the outside of the blow-dryer into a single joy-stick like dial. But something went wrong during testing and the product enhancer was scrapped. The email that was accidentally sent to him by his brother Jaime said that Con-air quietly settled with a model for an undisclosed amount due to “radical instant hair-loss” and “2nd degree burns to her ears”. This got Willis’ attention. He must have that component. The only problem was his brother was anti-military and he, not Con-Air owned the patent, or he could go around him. He thought about this while tossing the green bottle into the green recycling receptacle.
“Everything green”, he said sarcastically. In reality this component was very green. His computer models suggested it could improve the overall efficiency of his new engine by 1000%, a 10 fold decrease in energy consumption. Willis knew one thing. He could not be honest. He must lie to get access to the computer files or trick his brother into sending it to him.
He hopped in his Aluminum F-150. His military connections got him access to one before anyone else. On the outside it appeared to be a year old model, but the body was aluminum and the dashboard was alien-looking it was so futuristic like the F-35 cockpit. A bright glow from the dashboard accompanied by a pleasant chime interrupted his reverie. It was his brother on the digital horn. His mind sprang into action. He formed a story based off the accidental email while his honest brother asked him innocent family questions. After answering he said.
“Hey Jaime, I need a favor. My kid deleted all my e-mails, can I use your computer? I remember sending you a copy of this email last May. Need it for work.
“Sure.”, said Jaime “the key is in the bird-feeder.”
He smiled and evil grin. The component was his.


About the author


I like to make hip hop music study the stock market and live a relaxed life in general.

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