The Religion of Pakistan

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The religion of the people of Pakistan is a confused religion, almost as confused as the people of Pakistan. Of all the terrible ways we treat the minorities, the name-calling and stereotyping is the worse. We forget when we judge how the Christians of our country look that the first people to turn Muslim in the subcontinent after Muhammad Bin Qasim’s heroic and Islamic bloodshed were also from the lowest economic strata of the country. Winning a nation can have a mind-boggling impact, perhaps only because the sudden transformation from a minority to a majority is too overwhelming for the people to handle. This is perhaps something Israel is dealing with at the moment but the Jew part of the story can be left for another time.

Evidently, Mullahs have hijacked our religion. They have created a vile version of it that fits neither in the past nor the present. Their version is mostly devoid of the humanitarian and social aspect of religion. Mullahs took over, politicized and corrupted religion, and brought it to this grotesque phase that it is in now. The existence of a Mullah depends on feeble controversies like how covered should a woman be, how long should beards be, why should women not drive, how many virgins await us and others of sorts. These Mullahs betrayed their God and led his people astray. And now these people are lost scuffling and tussling over sapless problems concerning religious rituals. They know little of compassion, mercy and forgiveness for their time is spent worrying if their feet are disrespecting the Ka’aba in some way.

The disease that the world has rid itself from is still lurking in the north of Pakistan because of our confused religion. The polio-virus has been dealt with almost everywhere else but our religion, playing in the hands of these imbeciles, is still keeping it alive in our children.

Homosexuality is a threat to our religion, just like it is to the other religions of the world. And again, compassion and kindness do not mean anything compared to the word of God that the Mullahs have so divinely interpreted.

The Blasphemy law reminds us that the Islam that we know of today is not the Islam that Muhammad brought down to us. Forgiving the boys of Ta’if and the exonerative conquest of Mecca somehow taught us how to persecute 10 year-olds and the mentally handicapped in the name of Blasphemy. Apparently, how the Muslims of today add two plus two simply escapes my understanding.

Muhammad’s Islam is from a very different era and has no fitting in this time or region. The severe punishments of that religion are not really Pakistan’s favorite so even though we are an Islamic Republic we go with the slogan of democracy because democracy sells. Also, Islam of the 7th Century is cruel and the human rights violations would land our politicians in the bad books of the loan-providers. Pragmatically, we need to leave the 7th Century where it belongs and what is left to us is the Islam of this Century. Notice that unaid Jamshed does not want women to drive at all, with references from the Holy Quran he has putting on table a version of Islam that is incompatible with the world today.

Let us not forget that the Islam of this Century is much worse. Mullahs have created an even cruel version that bathes in the blood of humans, plays in the dingy hands of the politicians like This new religion has given us extremism, suicide-bombers, pools of blood and ghastly wars.

The worst of all is the way our new religion is intertwined with culture. Religions probably came in as antidotes to cultures but they pretty much failed every time. All religions of the sub-continent have failed and the culture prevails. The human psyche predominates the world and poisons the world. All the noise of compassion, mercy and kindness dies down in the horror of honor-killing, child-labor, racism, feudalism, rape, incest, etc. Culture takes over and what we are left with is an ugly and intolerant picture of a religion.

And now what we have is a new religion in every person. No matter what our identity cards say we all have different religions, different beliefs and different gods. When it comes to religion, we suit ourselves as if we were shopping for a god.

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