" The Secret of Success behind KARATE's enormous growth across the world "

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The Secret behind widespread development in number of students who learns Karate around the world is the "CODE OF CONDUCT" ,which one has to follow during his training.There are numerous martial arts around the world with unique movements & excellent techniques.What made Karate special is the strict adherence of any student to the code of conduct being instructed by that particular karate style.

Though there are different karate styles around the world , they have almost same code of conduct as most of the traditional grand masters from the same place, Japan.We cannot declare only karate is the best disciplined martial art because various factors are involved to be a good martial artist.But in Karate those characters are being checked at every stages of a student.

The Belt Grading system in Karate checks not only the physical skills but also the mental condition of a student.

There are meditation trainings involved side by side when a student more stronger.The more he get stronger more he needs self-control mainly the mind control.Self-Control ,  Respect to Fellow men , Self-Discipline , Loyalty , Dedication , Being Ego free , courage & Perseverance are the prime code of conduct in any karate.

The first training for a karate beginner is Running,because the first tool to use when danger is around is to protect ourselves by moving away from the particular place as soon as possible.Also to have the ability to run faster than our enemies.A matured karate student knows when to use his courage to fight back & when to escape from the danger around.But there is always a best rule being followed in Karate,i.e.,"THERE IS NO FIRST STRIKE".Yes! Initiating an offence is strictly not recommended as a good practice in Karate.

Karate is not a mere self-defence sport,It is the way of life.Being protected & to protect the weak karate is always the best in totality among thousands of various martial arts practiced around the world.

Karate makes well disciplined,responsible men in the society.



About the author


Sathishvelan is an Environmental Engineer by profession.He is very passionate towards Martial arts , Short films , Photography,Painting, Free hand Sketching & Digital arts.

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