Thinking outside the box...

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So back in November, while on a work trip in the USA, I bought myself a Go Pro. 

A special treat, I thought i'd soon be spending every weekend mountain biking, snowboard and surfing all the while making epic high octane films to show off my experiences. 

It sat on my sideboard for the first 3 months collecting dust and then someone gave me a brilliant idea...

 ...he was telling me about a time he worked a motor racing event for television and as part of a feature they attached a go-pro to an egg timer and recorded a 360° time lapse of a pit garage while they worked.

I quickly hopped onto amazon and a week later I had an egg timer and suddenly the world was my go pro panning time lapse oyster.

My first test wasn't amazing

This was taken as a continuous film but was hastily put into place while I was at work and it didnt even get the sun setting properly, let alone having anything interesting in the foreground to show the passage of time.

My second attempt was much better...

...this time I mounted the egg timer go pro into a van at work and filmed a full 360° time lapse of part of a journey from Aberdeen in Scotland to Derby in England. Obvious as its attached to an egg timer the longest time we can film for is an hour but I think its a nice little snapshot of a typical journey home from a job. 

(Pardon the rubbish)

About the author


Having studied BA(Hons) Media (Film) Production at Staffordshire University, Dave has made a number of short films as part of his degree. Since graduating, Dave has moved into the world of Broadcasting, where his current work involves working with high-profile clients such as the BBC, ITV and Endemol amongst others.…

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