Tree of life

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 My father went away without a word, what he has left too much for my mother, strength, faith, and especially love, wonderful things connect us together no matter what is in place.



- He cooked edible salt like this one! Mother turned away.

My father still hands on concrete bowl of porridge, calm voice:

- Still my porridge in the morning warmup alone, eat there morning that she said nothing.

My mother lying at the bed, heart oppressed, heavy eyes:

- You want me to die early, just say it.

My dad asked, eyebrows furrowed.

- I'm not dead star dressed her death.

That's my story and be heard between parents when my mother became bedridden. The disease has caused my mother to leave nursing student associations, gradually forget the laughter and humor, get familiar with the lies and counting the ticking, there are times when I see her staring at the clock as enemies look her, and then stared at the ceiling, turned to look out the window with trees and sky with towering look cool like a never belong to me again, much to my mother at such warm memories , unhappy fate because someone stole something very precious mother. Mother progressively less talk more, even with my anger ever-present in the mother, it's gnawing at my heart.

plant life

If anyone has ever been incubus will understand part of maternal feeling at that moment, the more you try it the agonies of your body even more incredible you down, fear, confusion, heart started beating faster, more try to fidget, rapid heart as dark, fear rises, the cold sweat exuding, impotence, but incubus just feel paralyzed and my mother is a reality.

Dad started to become familiar with her ​​work, shopping, cooking, singing melodious little bird brought into the house a few temporary announce you the opportunity to play his birds, because my mom found jarring, but according to my mother see her like we , did not know they were singing or crying. Sport is now the father is ready to run from the 1st floor to the 2nd floor and 1st floor from the 2nd floor down when she called or needed something. Announced before the tall, stately appearance, face calm, though much older, but I still see a few times in the look she announced with joyful eyes, lighted up, and now they announce this look nice compliment old, maybe dad will not see the father's hair was white floating over the first half

I have declared the home side, mother care, heart gradually forget the overseas higher education. Dad was fine, I understand that when Dad asked me to go to study, I calmly face, say now do not want to go, then veered into the story irrelevant. Dad looked straight into my eyes and said:

"Parents can only be lights illuminate the firm step, not be an obstacle on the path of the children are. Your mother is not heavy to me and announced, she is love, is the best thing that bind us together. Dad promised to take care of her very well though sometimes it wants to fall asleep next to her, but he would wake, wake up to as long as she's still breathing. "

Dad was a high school, the saying that philosophy I've heard too familiar, sometimes I leave it from ear to hand for the first lightweight, but very natural, it becomes solid stairs lead me on life path. Dad's saying this made ​​me cry, cry baby still find myself too in the eyes father, crying because they saw a small child being released to add strength. And then I went, 3 years of study and work abroad full side try, I try to give what I believe, I believe, and I believe, but do not say.

I went back, nothing seems to change, still the same old story.

- Mr. Security meat eating is tough this one.

My father's face changes, as unpredictable mother would say that.

- Blender down, I must have taught, do not swallow pieces she exhaled.

Mother like never before when my dad only silence.

- He wants me dead, then just say so, I'm too tired.

Mother's words made ​​me think of a question that I have ever read in any book, "Where Life is too sad, that people just make it sad huh". My dad still has that phrase as used mouth, but deep down he really think so.

- I was going to die, but she demanded death.

The emptiness of the sky. My father left his mother before he went in softly, after a heart attack in the night quick.

My mother did not scream, do not cry, she looked out the window, looking at trees and towering sky, she told me to pick up some birds sent my father to go and hire a maid to take her mother, she made the mother hated my previous job. I demanded, slightly limping mother replies:

- He's not, not heard him say again, welcome to hear a few birds calling to help sad. I'll take care of himself with the help of her maid, you need not overly concerned, he will not be watching his mother that worried anymore.

My father went away without a word, what he has left too much for my mother, strength, faith, and especially love, wonderful things connect us together no matter what is in place.

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