Una parte de mi con Digital citizen Fund.

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Mano amiga de chalco, no es solo una instituciòn ni 14 años en vano, es mi segunda casa practicamente, pues en el tiempo que llevo aquì he conocido a personas que se han convertido enmi familia y han dejado huella en mi, tanto como profesores y compañeros que he tenido el placer de conocer desde mi estancia en preescolar y hasta bachillerato , pues seguimos juntos en nuestro ultimo año en Mano amiga.

Agradezco por todo en este colegio, la estancia, el trato y sobre todo la calidez con la que nos trataron a mi y a cada uno de mis compañeros.

A quien corresponda solamente quiero decir. Gracias.  


Mano Amiga Chalco, is not only an institution nor 14 years in vain, it is practically my second house, because in the time that I have been here I have known people who have been converted my family and have left their mark on me, both as teachers and colleagues that I have had the pleasure of knowing from my stay in school and through high school, because we are still together in our last year in Mano Amiga.

Thank you for all in this college, stay, treatment and above all, the warmth with which we were treated to me and to each one of my colleagues. To whom it may concern i just want to say. Thank you very much.

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