Violence against Afghan women in 2013

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2013 has been violent year in Afghanistan for females.Stats show in last year,violent crime against women has increased dramatically compare to 2012.Weak economy and growing insecurity as a result of withdrawal of international troops has been major factor contributing to increased violence against women.

Laws are made to protect females but there is no proper implementation of these laws.lack of education is one reason why violence against women has increased in our society.Afghan society is male dominant and single mistake by females is considered big sin.

In 2013, violent crime has been brutal that includes cutting nose,lips,ears, throwing acid,public rape are some violent cases that are faced by Afghan women.Very few cases are reported in police stations.Those being reported are not considered by police citing personal and family problem.

Majority of violence cases are not being reported because of shame brought to the family.All those violent cases happen in day broad light but still very few being reported.Lack of education and limited access is one reason why such brutal cases being not reported.There is no awareness about women rights in our society.

 According to AIHCR spokesperson, there has been 25% increase in violence against women compare to last year stats.Analysts fear after withdrawal of International troops,violence will increase.After Taliban regime, steps were taken to protect women from violence but since international community is withdrawing from Afghanistan,it has been predicted violence will increase.

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