waleed gazdar

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Wisdom & Attitude

“You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude toward what happens to you, and in that, you will be mastering change rather than allowing it to master you.”                                       Brian Tracy


Nothing affects our emotional state as much as having the right attitude.   It is not what happens to you, but the way that you deal with it that is important. Having a wise attitude to life makes all the difference to the quality of life that you enjoy. Nothing lasts for ever, and no matter what situation you are in now, it will change in the future.   Unfortunately, many people hang on to bad situations or memories, affecting their life in the present, long after the circumstances have changed.   This prevents them from enjoying the life they are leading now, which to outsiders may seem ideal, but to them they are still stuck in the past.


Your attitude to other people has a huge impact on your own well-being.   You cannot change others, but can control your own attitude to them, usually changing the way they relate to you. The majority of your life is spent with other people, so make the decision to get along with your fellow travelers on this planet.


Decide to have a good attitude in every situation. Choosing a wise attitude gives greater benefits than you could imagine, which accumulate with the passage of time. Attitude is a matter of choice.

Wisdom and the Real World
Life isn’t fair. As the Bible tells us the rain falls on the righteous and the unrighteous, and we all have our fair share of ups and downs. We have to make our mind up to ride out any storm that comes our way, trusting that God will give us success ultimately and freedom from the world’s woes.


People are people; they can use you, betray you and hurt you in many ways, and accidents and illness can happen to anyone of us. Even so, we will benefit by resolving to have a wise response to whatever may befall us, knowing that this too shall pass and time will right most wrongs that we have suffered.


Knowing that good times do not last forever, and crises befall most of us at some time or another, try to plan in the good times for strategies to deal with problems which may occur.   It is a good idea to journal, recording all the good things that happen to you, and recording positive answers to prayer.   This journal can used as a reminder in the bad times; helping to uplift you and remind you that good times will come around again.


We can learn like Saint Paul to be content whatever the circumstances and believe that through the power of Christ we can do anything. That is the point to remember, we don’t have to rely on ourselves to go through trials but we rely on the help of our loving Father who can and will do more and abundantly more than we can ever ask or dream of.


Abraham Lincoln was quoted as saying:

“People are about as happy as they choose to be”


Wisdom is making the choice to always see the silver lining in every situation.