Most of us use this time does not work, or worse still have their heads in the job until the last second. Well, 10 minutes can make a difference?

1. Update the list of things to do during the day
10 minutes at the end of the day is always successful people for the comparison to what he has to do with what to do during the day. They always try to arrange work in a reasonable manner so as not to have to worry about what to do in no time the next morning.

2. Rearrange your desk
The work you do will become more difficult if you do not know how to arrange things. Owning a tidy work space tidy will help you more smoothly. At the same time, you can easily find the right documents more quickly when needed.

3. Verify that the work done
In addition to focusing on what not to do, one thing is important to look back to what was done. Spend about 1 minute for it can help you feel more cheerful and sometimes you will even realize I was doing more planning. This is the key to stimulating happy feelings of every human being.

4. Assessment entire work day
The success is not just thinking about the work done during the day, but they also analyze how I did it like. They understand that the only way to develop myself constantly learning.

5. Make the last trading day is important
Maybe you have to trade via telephone or the Internet all day, but sometimes the dialogue was extended until the end of the day. The nature of transactions is important to keep in mind and it's time the ability to manage your time to be challenged. Successful people know the transactions that need immediate response but also may delay the transaction.

6. Try to focus
The last 10 minutes of the work day is the time you most easily distracted. Let's try to focus and take your eyes off the things not related to their work.

7. Select the most important goal for tomorrow
Successful people usually have a list of things ready for the next morning and they will pick out the most important things on that list. In fact, everyone is always 2 or 3 to be preferred, but would be better if you choose a high-priority task.

8. Inform colleagues about how they can get in touch with me or not
The most successful people always spend 1 minute to see if they want to contact someone or not during the period from the end of the meeting starting today until the next meeting, and inform those involved concerned. They always ask if I may reply to messages, call or e-mail related to work or not, and whether there will be any exception reasonable? The most important question you should pose to yourself, which is: "Contact us work, if any, will still be able to help you relax in your own time?"

9. Review the work schedule for the next day
No start date of new ways worse than the next company and realizes that he will have an important meeting place prepared 5 minutes. Successful people always know how to prepare for the next day from today. If you can better prepare for the next working day, you will come to work with psychologically comfortable, more confident because everything was arranged.

10. Saying thank you to someone
A good working environment are being established by the mutual respect between colleagues. Habit to say thank you to the end of the day will bring greater efficiency to increase your level of happiness and colleagues.

11. Saying goodbye
One question goodbye to your boss as well as other parts of your colleagues noticed you are not merely the same agency but rather, as a friend. At the same time, this is how you inform your colleagues that you will not continue to work until the next day.

12. To mark with optimism
  Before leaving, smile! These talented leaders always know how to mark the end of the day, and this will leave a negative balance until the following morning.

13. In fact out of
Successful people always avoid lingering work because they understand the importance of the balance between life and work. The incident linger without good reason will erode your energy for the next working day.