Why Fever Spikes at Night?

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Image Credit: Myriams-Fotos via Pixabay


Buenos Dias warm bodies here in Bitlanders! LOL! It may sound a little bit creepy as I call you guys ‘warm bodies’ still I will incorporate this exclusive greeting of my mine to this new blog topic. For the reason that I will be discussing with you guys about fever and why it spikes at night. And to such degree that you need to hold on to that mouse and keep scrolling as well as to continue reading this blog until the end, for it can help you on how to deal night time fever in cases with your family or with yourself too.

So chill out and feel my blog burning with ideas you need to know!



Image Credit: today.com


Why Fever Spikes at Night?


When we deal with having a high-grade fever, the thing that may come up in our head is in some way there’s a conducing type of a viral disease in the community that everybody gets it; or someone’s immune system is down due to some external factors to consider; or maybe some underlying disease that needs to be treated immediately; and may also include some teething concerns for babies due to unmanageable pain; and many more. Along with my case, I have been dealing this ‘worrying-interest’ of why fever usually strikes at night time, by virtue of having teething concerns with my baby, since her teeth started showing off. And for the ‘down reaching reasons’ on why fever is one of the main symptoms when a baby is teething, is maybe because of the excruciating pain down there gums. Even as adults, when we experience unexpected changes in our teeth like ‘wisdom tooth’, we can’t deny the fact of having some low-grade fever as well.


Image Credit: Hamodia.com


On the point of being a mother of a teething baby, I can clearly enumerate some of the ‘multiple-dealing’ performances I did just to ease the discomfort of teething as well as get rid of the high-grade fever that always occurs at night. The trick of in and out from the fridge, in a way of using ‘kool-fever’ patch,  tepid sponge bath and offering chilled food like ice pops; from the quietest yet gentle snuggle dance up to the most comfortable position as possible; back to back pacing the floors, panicking and the crave in searching the most organic remedy for her high-grade fever. And just after her molars got out finely, I thought she was done with all the pain and the fever at nights, however, three days ago from this day my baby girl got sick due to some viral disease she got from the community. At first, I was confident enough that she will be fine and her cough and colds may leave in a jiffy after I’ll let her drink her medication. And as its starting to pitch dark, her fever started to rise higher and higher and when I get the thermometer the reading was 39.5 degrees Celsius and her due med for fever which is  Paracetamol is not yet four hours from the last time I gave her. So, I am back again with my ‘fever night time’ routine of keeping her cool and well

Over and above all other concerns about high-grade fever gives me the reason to do some research about why fever spikes at night. Along with it, I also came up with other significant facts to consider and remember when our loved ones are experiencing fever or ourselves as well. So get ready to jot down the important things to remember and wipe out those erroneous mistakes we do when fever strikes at night. 


What is Fever?



Image Credit: Stevepb via Pixabay 


A fever is the elevation of your body’s temperature that is being caused by certain illness either known or unknown.  There are some cases that high-grade temperature last only as a temporary and there are also times that it may last longer when complicated diseases are involved.  As a registered nurse, in our class back then, we consider fever as a key point to consider and no need to worry more. For the reason that having or experiencing fever may signal us that there is something wrong in our body and thus our immune system is fighting the infection inside. 


Fever, also known as pyrexia and febrile response is defined as having a temperature above the normal range due to an increase in the body's temperature set-point. There is not a single agreed-upon upper limit for normal temperature with sources using values between 37.5 and 38.3 °C (99.5 and 100.9 °F). The increase in set-point triggers increased muscle contractions and causes a feeling of cold.

Source:  wikipedia.org


Common Symptoms when having a High-Grade Fever


Our body’s normal temperature is 98.6 F (37 C) and along these numbers, if your body’s temperature rises above the normal limit, possible signs and symptoms may occur, nevertheless, it still set along with each individual’s specific body reaction to the illness.


Chills or feeling cold when others are not


Image Credit: Shutterstock

When the brain increases the body's temperature set point, the body strives to meet that higher temperature. You feel cold because technically you are colder than your body's new set point. In turn, the body works to generate heat to warm itself by contracting and relaxing muscles — hence the shivering, or chills.

Source: Everyday Health 

A headache as well as muscle ache- may due to electrolyte imbalance in your system
• Loss of appetite

When we’re sick or ill from many different conditions, our bodies mount a complex inflammatory response, as part of this response, we produce chemicals called cytokines, which have a wide range of effects and are partly responsible for the decreased appetite.

 Source: Dr. Donald D. Hensrud, M.D., MPH



Patients who are experiencing fever, especially babies, and children, eat less food and drink less water because of their health condition and that may lead to dehydration, thus, having a fever may also lead to electrolyte imbalances through sweat.

• General weakness


Image Credit: www.bbc.com


Why Fever Spikes at Night?


As far as anyone would know that having a fever is just like having a terrifying dream and peculiarly contemporaneous that fever also spikes at night eagerly prior to a ‘well manage’ body temperature at daytime. And sleeping at night is dreadfully uncomfortable when your body temperature strikes at its best and then you’ll feel relieved when the clock hits 4 am until morning because you feel a little bit fine.

So does worriment and pain in the neck bustle you over and over again due to this matter? Well, worry no more and FEVER no more because I will bounce off directly to the answer ‘why fever spikes at night?’’ 


·         Our Hardworking Immune System

Yes! They still do their job even we are sleeping, thus and so the inflammatory response in our body intensify the most at night time for the reason they eliminate the viruses and bacteria causing as ill as well as making as chill and experience hot flushes as the day ends. It can be annoying as we take some rest still our immune system fighters are doing their job to make us well the soonest.


·         Sunlight diversion Vs Witching hours

Just like the busy bees on a blooming sunflower, we also have a plate full of things to get rid of and as we do our everyday routine we are also being diverted from thinking and knowing that we are sick. Howbeit, during the witching hours, we have all the time to consider and over analyze the symptoms we are experiencing. And that is the time we begin to worry about how painful our muscles are and how much you needed some pain reliever rather than getting some full recovery through sleeping. 


Image Credit: www.irishexaminer.com


·         Body’s Logical Heat Cycle

Does being active on morning and being sick at the start of 5 pm to 12 midnight sounds disturbingly familiar to you? And as it goes on and on like the wheels on a bus whenever you have a fever is just the same as our body goes through a heat cycle changes too.


Two major factors regulate this cycle:


1. Your hypothalamus has its own 24-hour hormone-secretion pattern. We don’t know the reason for this so-called circadian rhythm, but to some extent, the day/night light cycle helps regulate it.

2. The things the body does during the day (heartbeat, muscle movements, breathing) involve a release of heat energy, causing your core body temperature to warm up as the day progresses.

Source: Emmanuel Rodriguez, M.D., M.P.H. 


Video Credit: ENatural HEALTH via Youtube 



Conservative Remedies in dealing with Fever at Night


  Image Credit: Myriams-Fotos via Pixabay 


Because every ‘why’ has its own reason and every ‘what’ has its own definition so does every ‘how’ has its own procedure. So, here’s the answer to the significant question on ‘’how to get relief when fever spikes at night?’’


·         Hydrate your body before going to bed

As what I have mentioned above on how having a high-grade fever can cause dehydration so as drinking fluids will reverse the symptom.


 Image Credit: www.self.com 


·         Have a peaceful sleep

Having fever may be difficult for some to have a good night rest, still, a comfortable environment and a relaxing music or silent surroundings may promote the rest your body needs.


·         Monitor your body temperature

I may said a while ago that sleeping is a need but in somehow everyone needs someone to look at them when they are sick, especially the children, adults or significant others must monitor their child’s temperature and set an alarm for the next dose of Acetaminophen in case the fever didn’t decrease in digits.


·         Boost up your immune system

It is not because our immune system is doing their thing so then we don’t care much for ourselves. We still need to boost up our immune system for a fast recovery. One may continue taking her/his multivitamins as prescribed and have a balanced diet.


·         Stay cool and well

Some of the few and common home remedy to lower one’s body temperature during night fever is to: let her/him wear comfortable clothing that is light, keep the room temperature cool while using comfortable blanket, increase fluid intake, take in some cold foods or fluids like ice pops, do a ‘tepid sponge bath’ when temperature rises more than 38C and put some cool patches on your head like kool-fever’ patch.


Video Credit: AsapScience via Youtube



Image Credit: Myriams-Fotos via Pixabay


I think that’s all for now and I hope everyone who reads my blog again got something worth to bear in mind especially when someone has a high-grade fever at night or even at the day as well.


BTW! My baby girl now is super duper okay and her silliness is back!

Thanks all be to God!



©   yadeed15   ♕ 2017

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•RN• Toddling with a Toddler• Happy Wife • Bathroom Singer•Tactless Writer • Introvert • Cheese Addict • BELIEVER •

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