Women - From The Very First Steps of Computing Timeline (Part 1)

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When it comes about Women and Technology most people start to think that Women were not involved in technology development or why they do not have any special interest in this filed. Most people start to think that from the beginning, every technical field started and improved by Men and maybe because of that we can not see and did not know any special event about Women activities in technical field specially Computer Science field.

In my future series of blogging I am going to introduce some influence Women’s activity without whom Computer Science could not be started and even to be known as filed today and you will see that despite of other fields that Men were involved in timeline of its development, Women had GREAT role in Computer Science field from the beginning of development timeline.

Ada Lovelace

"I never am really satisfied that I understand anything; Because, understand it well as I may, my comprehension can only be an infinitesimal fraction of all I want to understand about the many connections and relations which occur to me, how the matter in question was first thought of or arrived at, etc..." - Ada Lovelace

Maybe you are familiar with Charles Babbage who invented the first computer ever and known as father of computer. Person who developed program for the first computer was Ada Lovelace, the first Women in the first steps of computing timeline development. Now let see that who was Ada Lovelace and how she become first programmer in computing filed.

It was 10-th December 1815 , Anne Isabelle, an unfriendly and religious woman with rigorous morals, gave birth a daughter who opened many closed and complex doors of Computing field, Ada Lovelace. She was the only legitimate daughter of a greatest and romantic English poet and national hero for Greeks , Lord Byron. Ada never saw her father and just after one month of her birth, her parents separated from each other due to Annabella’s claim that Lord Byron physician status was not normal and it could be dangerous for her to live with him.

Ada was eight years old when her father died and had no relationship with him, even she was not allowed to view any portrait of her father until her twentieth birthday by her mother. Ada’s mother did not have a close relationship with Ada , she often had left in the care of her grandmother or her mother's close friends and they wrote welfare letters to Lord Byron sister , Augusta Leigh , as Byron himself asked from Anabella after separation.

  Ada Lovelace mother - Anne Isabelle Milbanke

 Ada was often ill, beginning in early childhood but despite being ill she developed her mathematical and technological skills. When she was twelve years old she decided that want to fly and in 1828 started to make true her flying project by constructing wings and finally integrating steam to reach her desire. Ada danced often and was able to charm many people, and was described by most people as being dainty.

Lovelace married William King, who was ten years older than Ada but their marriage would stand strong until the end of her short life and had three children. Ada’s children raised with the help of her mother and important family decisions were made by Ada’s mother that both Ada and her husband would accept as final word. Despite of her mother influences that to not love her father, Ada loved both her mother and father and two of her child had her parent’s names: Byron and Anne Isabella. On November 27 of 1852, at the age of thirty-six , Ada Lovelace died of cancer and as her request , was buried next to her father at the Church of St. Mary Magdalene in Hucknall, Nottingham.

Ada Lovelace husband - William King

 Throughout her life, Ada was strongly interested in scientific developments and her famous work with Babbage, credited her as “World’s first computer programmer”. In 1833 when Ada was only 17 years old met Charles Babbage, inviting her to see his prototype of Difference Engine. Lovelace became fascinated with the machine and during translation of article about Babbage's analytical engine she added some notes to the article that were her own thoughts and ideas about machine.

Ada’s notes were about differences between Babbage’s Difference Engine and previous calculating machines, besides numbers have ability to solve any complex problems. She described algorithm for solving Bernoulli numbers and method for avoiding repeated instructions by engines which today we know as “Loop method”. Her notes also were about ways of handling letters and symbols along with numbers by devices or machines via writing codes that will instruct devices.

Ada’s notes remained unknown for the world during her lifetime but after one hundred years of her death in 1953 her notes republished to the world by B.Y. Bowden. She honored of what she have done after her death like:

Naming computer language “Ada” by the U.S. Department of Defense.

British Cmputer Society has named an award by her name for women students of computer science.

annual event by the name of “Ada Lovelace Day” where they aim to raise women’s profile in science, technology, math and engineering.

And many other events and awards.Today when it comes to Computing history and Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine, Ada Lovelace is introduced as first Computer Programmer, and programmers know that how  is difficult writing code especially when you face dear "Semicolon" related errors.


About the author


Graduated from Computer Science faculty Herat University, Software Engineering department. Currently working on IT Center for Women in Herat University. Interested in photography,painting caricatures , web application development and helping Afghan Women in excelling and joining in IT field.

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