wrestling info

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Hey! It would be nice if you read my Story and tell me how you find it (sorry if my englisch is bad:P)

So the match Undertaker vs Shane is in the middle of WrestleMania. Shane gets a massive beatdown by the Undertaker. Then John Cena comes in. (FACE!!!) He somehow made his way in the Cage with a mic and says that he's sorry. He can't let Vince and the Authotity control Raw anymore. Then he attacks the Undertaker. (Undertaker is on the Heel side, but not really a Heel). Undertaker lays down and Cena is about to leave the Ring. Whil Shane is like WTF did just happen??!? But then... Kane comes in and brawls with Cena. Even the League of Nations who are destroying Shane. While Vince comes to the Ring and gives Shane a stunner. (:P) Undertaker then starts to brawl LoN till only he and Shane are left (Cena Kane brawling backstage). undertaker sets to a Tombstone. 1, 2, 3 Match is over.

Then the Main event later that night. HHH and Reigns are fighting till HHH do's his Finischer then: Here Comes The Money!!!!! Shame comes out!
He says that Cena wasnt allowed to join the match. And vince screwjobed him. So now he will reveal the big secret he has against Vince:
A video package starts where shane is in the office some weeks ago talking to vince. Then vince is leavig the office because of dont know and shane sees a letter from a doc. He just said. Vince screwed him! Then the video ends. Shane says that there was a Man. Fighting the Autority but then got injured for nearly 2 Years. "Fans are exploding wit YES YES YES!!!!" he said that daniel was screwed by the wwe foc and vince. He still can wrestle and he will.
Daniel Bryans music turns on and he runs to the ring and sort of desteoys HHH bringing back memories from WM32. Then Reigns pins HHH and wins the WHC Title. Aftwe an Handshake, and staredown with an enormous YES Chanting Crowd WM32 goes off air.

This all settles to SD vs Raw, Bryan vs Roman (WHC) and Taker vs Cena (also Kanes last run with a tag team with taker).

I know this won't happen. But it would be cool :D